Memorial Day Parade 2013

May 28, 2013 by EEdelstein

Click on the title to see the photos.





Our Beautiful Quilt!

April 22, 2013 by EEdelstein

Click on the link above to see this great photo!   Hist Soc 007 copy

Diane (Baumann) Hoyt

February 17, 2013 by EEdelstein

I lived in Brentwood from 1948 – 1963. I graduated from BHS in 1960. I have wonderful memories of growing up there. When I moved in there were about 500 people in town. I am very interested in history and genealogy and would love to be part of your Society.

Marie Grosso Jarolem

December 24, 2012 by Agernon

 I remember mostly the beautiful woods along Washington Avenue that still had  lady slippers and other wildflowers.  And, the absolute safety we had, even during the war, when we could walk home at night and be welcomed in any home along the way if we needed help.  I remember the old library and Mrs. Frailey  always was willing to help.
     Our Village school seemed so modern and advanced ..It was truly beautiful to me.  We had a home economics room , a gym, a bicycle room and ping pong table in the attic.The kindergarten was so special as was the teacher.  Her husband was a serviceman and signed our autograph books.  I still have mine and can send it to you if I can remember where I put it.

Eleanor Baker Bazata Memoir

September 22, 2012 by Agernon
This photo was taken in 1938 on Clark(e*) Street.  The house is the home my parents, William and Bertha Baker, bought and moved into in 1922 with their four children.    I and three other siblings were born in  this home.  I was learning to ride a two wheel bicycle in this photo.  Clark Street was tarred  and easier to learn to  ride on but we were only permitted to ride on Jefferson Ave. after we learned , which was a dirt road that ran along the  East side of our home  from Perry Street to Suffolk Ave.,  My Dad worried about traffic even in those days .  Though there were only four houses on our Street the pole road ( **) ran from East Brentwood  (as a dirt road) to Washington Ave. , was tarred to Madison Ave. and was again a dirt road  to Wicks Road to Pilgrim State Hospital property.
Eleanor Baker Bazata
 * there was no E in  Clark Street while I was growing up there. I don’t know when that changed.
**the pole road was so called because of the high tension poles that ran the length of Long Island .   After all the housing began to develop in North Brentwood those “pole roads” disappeared  into the developments with other names like Commercial Blvd.,  etc.